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I Am Santo

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Did you know you gave him light? Did you know that in the darkness he aspired to latch onto every subtle nuance of your kind demeanor, your soft tone, the hard edge of reason that you portrayed with a level of approachability and gracious humor that spoke of intelligence and better minds, better hearts than any known in the breathable air of youth. As the rooms tightened, as the world constructed with its righteous beliefs, your work instructed. Think. Know. Stay removed, but inside, feel. That was a lesson to the rabid heart, the kindness of a role model to not emulate but respect. Admiration is so much the spin of a roulette wheel, but your number was where he fell time and again; that cast off, worried child aimless in emotion and confused by a world obsessed with progress, like a train building a wall on its tracks as it circles in ever-smaller spirals. Think, up. Think wiser. Know that this meat you’re made of is governed by the fast-working neurology of a specially mapped wonder within. Thoughts are tickets to better places, homes away from refuge and loves that don’t need to be earned. Gentleness prevails. Calmness sings so much louder than bluster. Determination is an earmark of forever. You woke dreams and stirred imagination, a steward of juvenile hope, not with promises but with simple convictions in the rights, the proper, and even, yes, the logical. Tears may seem silly, but they’re earned for hearts were touched, minds were expanded. There is little better than to cry as thanks for such profound gifts. And in the night sky there were found ways to navigate the tumult of nature. And in your light there were found ways to navigate the ignorance of humanity. “Believe,” your actions declared, louder than the choir of any angels. “There is so much value in just being you.”


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