Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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iPhone 5 shotAll paths lead to you. Every decision, each consideration, wrapped in your small fingers which search for my guiding hand, grip firmly and, eyes straight but filled with constant inquiry, we move into a shared future with careful steps. The claim is you’re led this way or that, but cues are obvious as […]

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A Dream of Rain

iPhone 5 shotDon’t listen to the empty drone of nature’s agony, or the soft cadence of rain’s sorrow. The wet cringe of tossed hours, kisses absent the flood of desire, words poured from empty thoughts. Surrounded by moistened air, drowning in each breath vacant purpose without hands clinging to throat, breast, thigh or neck. Light […]

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Beautiful Corruption

iPhone 5 shot An infinite clear interrupted, we stare at the amassing rage of our distress and long for a return to calm, when words didn’t spill in a confused rush and taint the fashioned balance so desired. To take it back, to melt these utterances under sunlight would be to sear vibrance not only […]

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The Fleeting

iPhone 5 shot Close these days without effort. Sing them out of their duty and release yoke from necks strained by repetitive toil. A circuit broken, the hours stretch out in a straight line leading to a final sunset when kisses striate clouds over a leafy horizon and love sneaks glimpses of life as a […]

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Inviting the Storm

iPhone 5 shot In those instants when we saw our world ending, it was great wonder that swallowed our fear. We were not in our right minds, and swung our heads up to greet the oncoming maelstrom, holding onto each other with quaking bodies as delicious lightning struck and tore through everything we knew, obliterating […]

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Fire in the Void

iPhone 5 shotThis distant heart – radiant and reliable, a circle within endless cycles – demands response. Beheld in awe, mouths pull wide at the weight of it beauty, tears sting as hearts ache to understand its furious draw. To drift is to fight nature’s will, spitting in the face of laws that will desert […]

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The push and pull of the moon on our oceans gives us the tides, and the waves lapping endlessly on our sandy shores are the very definition of what we call repetition. Reliable. Dutiful. Laced with sea foam and answering simple expectation.

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Before the Crash

iPhone 5 shot Break over these canyons and render thoughts of adversity mute with confident declaration; the tightened ball of a crushing fist and words that careen like arrows sprung from bows drawn taut by years of silence. We are now. There is no quiet under our storming hearts. Carry with these tense moments the […]

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A Nation

iPhone 5 shot These worries swimming inside a busy mind carry no shifting weight, the fulcrum centered between burden and effort so all outwit gravity’s tendency and hold steady at each fixed point, adjustments made at center for it is not locked down – it is not threatened. The ground underfoot is steady, even as […]

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iPhone 5 shot In this morning light, you were older than those years scrawled on calendar pages turned and forgotten. You looked at me with hair strewn about your head, straw spun by sleep and dreams, and your eyes said, “I will get older. My skin will stretch and my muscles will grow, my shoulders […]

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