Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensI stand easy, back straight, but shoulders sunk to hide an agitated nature. In my pocket is a hooked thumb, palm flat to baggy denim. It’s a casual facade, masking nerves and trepidation that I’ll drown in my own flood of words, mistakenly citing facts and […]

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Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensSo many believe it comes with ease, this curl of the lips, the reveal of these artificially strengthened teeth. Nights of correction and discipline, plastic guards pushing straightened lines to appeal. Reaffirming attraction, desirable tendency the bait for suitable match, this clinging hope surrounded every moment […]

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Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensNever crawling, enduring the progress of long days as a stationary stay on sills, shining sun kissing shell, smile drawn silent, this everyday companion lightens the weighted beats of a plummeting heart. The effort of each day melting ambition, mirrors claiming age’s victory, the lines of […]

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Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensOur guardian sat quiet in blue light, shrouded in black, a scar of segmented abdomen serrating and buttressing smooth defense. Protective stone revered by superstitious minds, guided to position by cautious, needy hands to drive away dangerous attractions, fleeting, curious venom arching, diving, stinging, hating. Validity’s […]

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Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensFocus lost somewhere over forgotten years, use’s quota filled with only dust pressing keys. Set for observance, glimpses into an aging past, antiquated and the bokeh for a crisp present sprung from small footprints. Letters still the thread, new needles weave words, rounder edges and softer […]

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Low Before the Dark

Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensLow sky, sun drowned within an infinite horizon, stretched into death with a final breath of pink hue kissing night. Another life awaits, the sounds of crickets working their mating calls, and eyes search the dark for signs of light – of love – in those […]

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Average Habits

Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensIn this battle of habits, failing tendencies tug with innate ferocity, familiar as breathing. The commendable effort cracks in imagined perception, tasting of rotten fruit; sickening sour attached at the start of every intention with no memory of the sugar and salt awarded at each drive’s […]

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Knotted Prospects

Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensClasped in clandestine embrace, a knot with no release and fused souls entwine, singing a silent chorus reverberating through nervous figures. Tensions at the sight of each other. Wringing hands, sweat beading, shifting weight on tense heels, awaiting connection. Breath arrests at simple admissions, commonalities, spirit […]

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Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensBurn for me as if you were a candle, your passions wax feeding the flame of your desires. Lick at the night with heat, leaving traces of light behind your kiss and dispelling dark and quiet with your expiring breath. Feverish and glowing, sink into me, […]

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In the Light

Shot with a Canon t2i using a 50mm, f1.4 lensThirteen and a half hours of light beat patents and now our evenings bathe in soft glow, endless words floating through convex purity and leaping across synapses as if filaments aflame with ideas. Captured essence, lightning quick in strikes that flare and burn in glass houses, […]

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