Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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#irispad #day1 #sept1 #tiny #bubbles #lacing #beer #head #foam #yum (at Barley Pub)

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Sip, surfeit, surrender. Each begins with S and travel abroad on oceans of crested meaning, storms avoided by unwelcome fists balled tight around the stems of fine crystal. It’s not violence, this art, but a swallow and sway within the finite, an arbiter of responsibility retired for evenings spent wading in warm paradise. Dreams grow […]

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Don’t count these. This plate of welcome, this contentment served before you as a glimpse into happiness that eludes so many waking hours. Dodge the black guilt, shine a light on it and expose it as the smoke and mirrors it tries to flex past. Born into joy, be thankful and be gracious for your […]

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    To see what's what in the world of Santo

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