Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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SPINS These rays fall like hope, radiating from solar promise and holding back bleak nights of alone, the fierce dark embrace that presses eyes shut even as they are open, staring at pinhole starlight that careens from hearts light-years in the past, echoing from easy kisses, lust-fueled touch and eager union. What supernova bliss! How […]

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TIMELAPSE Clocks spent their winding hands as if they were folded on felt, minutes wasted in an ante and the litter of this dying season trying to hide belief. No poker face here, faded bliss grows vibrant, a flashbulb churn of willingness gone like green lost to autumn. And the combat of seconds clashing now […]

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INDIFFERENT Plucked from the vine and minus all thorns to protect, this heart blooms, arteries threading petal limbs and grabbing for belonging. It doesn’t choose, but wheeling stars and the curve of destiny craft felony ghosts moving this way and that, through and passed, skin absent yet intention reaching deep; pulling, teasing, holding, coaxing, unfurling […]

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A SEASON’S KILL This is not subtle fiction, It’s true story headline din. Weighted words on heavy heart beats. Evil devoid the joy of sin. Unwatched clocks spilling time, This carotid squeal and rhyme, Keeping wayward rhythm alive In the chest, the cock, the thrive. Are you serious right now To go long with stretched […]

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SHELLS Crack the afterlife and boil massive sin, because this cook spins nebulaic dust into Godsong and crafts the delicacy of galactic fervor into digestible yearning. Fill up on it, because nothing lasts, the searing nuclear core of suns measuring nothing more than seconds, molecules dissipating like ticks on an old wristwatch; the tocks lost […]

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The concrete wasn’t the weight holding Joseph under the water as much as his regrets did. He was cold, but thankful for the decision to dive into the end. He knew he could fight, swim with the cinderblock burden of his every poor judgement and selfish grift, from family, from friends, from lovers. But this […]

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CARBON Have you got a dime, Or do I have to call collect To dial back this surging lust A staticless connection Highwiring between faraway hearts That tiptoe across The perilous sinew That ropes muscle and bone to intention And throttles the loss Of presence. We’re ghosts in the night Swaying like reeds under a […]

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The house is a Venus flytrap and you’re the buzz, buzz, buzzing interloper land, land, landing on the isle of accordion bliss, contracting and expanding with notes as discordant as the offkey hymnal of an unrequited heart. Oh and how that beats! That thumping cauldron of witch tit sorcery that swirls and eddies with the […]

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Choke choke cough Rip this fucking roof off. Take it like the Grand Moff Tarkin Who’s barkin’ Orders to destroy and remarkin’ How Alderaan Was like the Taliban Rooting in Afghanistan. Hiding in caves Making big waves Overseas dancing in raves, But goddamn the party The arty Get hearty. And they dance, bitches Like Pedro’s […]

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This is graceless, A heart made of ash Reduced by the fanned flames Of self hatred And the inferno of A loathed mirror. How can it not be mud When mixed In waters of forgiveness? Siphoned whoa, The guilty thirst for kindness As verdant leaves cup For early morning rain A gray sky delivering bounty […]

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