Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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A hand on your throat Did you know it’s a note? To a melody shaking, No this isn’t a joke. Can you carry this, lover? Over shoulder, lost hope. An understanding, a lesson And learn how to cope? All reason’s stung, bleeding Into moments misspoke Into climates arranged And desires like smoke Disappearing in ether […]

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Our edges are smoothed by fierce wind. Weather beaten, the drama of our rise still a monument to inevitable passion, collision, ascension. The Earth cracked and shivered with the sky as our salvation, and clinging together, calamitous hearts steadied into one beat that set rhythm to years of striving. Our shadows cast long, we spilled […]

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It’s assumed what could be done was done to create such art. That reason sits behind the infallible Nature of the clay-like sand, the tranquil lapping of crystal waters, the jutting snow-capped peaks and the white clouds blossoming in the blue field of perfect sky. And in enters man, in steps woman; their desire for […]

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