Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / legs

Words fail. But that’s what they always do. A sharp inadequacy, a demonstrated shortcoming where we can stand -long in light and hopeful – and still come up short. Where moments are pregnant with the impending birth of truth and we fumble, spilling stammered phrases that never quite capture – elusive butterflies of emotion set […]

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Bound with liquid, our nectar dissipates slower, receding home to pressed beginnings and contributing to a swirl of uncommon thought blanketing palettes with serene dreams. Legs stretch as tendrils of divine truth, ruby streams searching for escape but pulled back to centers all encompassing. We sleep during the course, lying captive to attractions pulling us […]

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Cross your legs as children do, without reason, doing so because it feels right and is what you want. Carry yourself with disinterest for the style surrounding. Cough too loud, redfaced amusement impenetrable through your bulletproof hubris. Each day as if it were only yours, the run of hours a display for your favor, disdain […]

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