Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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As if they were Those hands, Those lips That mouth. The spill of salt and lust Is a dream ready for real, The Pinocchio magic Of a lonely heart Searching for complete; Daring for connection And the firm grip, Stroke, Flinch Of shuddering release. In the end it’s quiet, An ecstasy awaiting The ecstatic. A […]

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This faith awarded is a gift of trust so welcome, so cherished. A tire swing of joy, were childhood never ending. A belief in the sanctity of day and healing through touch, like kissed booboos for even the deepest abrasions. These lips, tongue and hands understand healing. They understand the true purpose of their creation […]

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Swimming in the sweat of God There’s delight Under palms, Against the body, Held aloft as the salt Boueys  Reminding the restless That there’s a place of belonging Lurking around each  Staggering day. Empty kisses and  The graceless fuck Make waves, Patch the deistic sea With freshwater That pulls like whirlpools Into the drowning of […]

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Triumphant as rivulets, They’re only so good as one. Beautiful? Sure. But progress isn’t easy On the slow side that’s alone. The dragged down. The fallen. The desperate stretch for another To collapse into, Connect, Pool together And conjur the merciful wet Reminding the numb Of alive, Of breathing. Merge and curl, Supple flesh heaving, […]

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Vestige yearning, piecemeal fulfillment, Seeking a heart that interlocks The way snowflakes blanket And stars collide Far from here, but happening Like these dreams of complete Blanketing Overlapping Depths of understanding Like the churning Of an ocean Tumult sweeping day aside Ushering in stifling night Like stones cast Fleeing light Drawn by the gravity of […]

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My rage is a Hellfire won. It’s prophylactic temerity. Taste this seed where the yawn and ache demand. Be here in the presense of a thousand years of stammering bliss. What the evidence portrays again and again with reckless disregard is that this never mattered; that each and every uttered word, committed action and kindness […]

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Did you know you gave him light? Did you know that in the darkness he aspired to latch onto every subtle nuance of your kind demeanor, your soft tone, the hard edge of reason that you portrayed with a level of approachability and gracious humor that spoke of intelligence and better minds, better hearts than […]

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When she breathed, he felt her. When she laughed, he grinned. In the fantasia of their ardor, she donned a mask but he knew her, could see her, would love her. Their lips were designed to kiss one another’s. And in the hot rhythm of celebration, amid the colors of reveling masses, he took her […]

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Cork pop. Spill. Blood dilute. Like oil in the pooling crimson of a slaughtered deer. Gluttony quakes in rolls of terpitude. Flesh cries for touch, a soul starved. And at night, peril stars careen off track, winking in long streaks as if baiting the lost to keep following. Bliss is somewhere in the endless, but […]

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This structure bitches cross-depth, mortar interrupted like sin on Sundays, the finest structure of faith the loosest kind of failed brick against nature. Arrogance is faith in anything other than roots. Blessings tear at peripheral high-standing. Were there lovers in the cracks then maybe it stood a chance at permanence, but chaos fills like rain, […]

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