Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / buildings

He bled stars and city lights, coughed, and stared long into tomorrow as the hustle washed over him with pinpoint ecstasy. There was delight here. A swim in the void of responsibility, spilling obligations with each dive he took into the high-rise moment as if they were the run-off from a pool filled far too […]

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He bled stars and city lights, coughed, and stared long into tomorrow as the hustle washed over him with pinpoint ecstasy. There was delight here. A swim in the void of responsibility, spilling obligations with each dive he took into the high-rise moment as if they were the run-off from a pool filled far too […]

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Diving from the sun. Piercing eyes, a flare, the shine of a stare too long at hope and warm acceptance. Dance with the periphery, live at the corners with affordable prisms that skitter as insects under scrutiny, fearful of capture. Hold out hands, flex fingers and find gold play and coal shade drift with each […]

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