Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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This structure bitches cross-depth, mortar interrupted like sin on Sundays, the finest structure of faith the loosest kind of failed brick against nature. Arrogance is faith in anything other than roots. Blessings tear at peripheral high-standing. Were there lovers in the cracks then maybe it stood a chance at permanence, but chaos fills like rain, […]

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We shared the close breath, both in the quiet solace of release and the noisy satisfaction of killing hunger. Drinking the courage. Letting our atoms spill in every direction and flailing with wild hearts; there was little to be said in the darkness afterward. Tears glimmer and streak, surmounting Sisyphean hills of cheeks rounded by […]

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Let’s keep our fingers knotted, baby. Like the briar wrapped under the moon Let’s give in to the urge and swoon And sway to our own private tune. Let’s put ourselves together, baby. We knew how to once before When our future held much in store And affection lived at our core. Let’s kiss like […]

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It’s what’s wanted. To be parallel. To strive for limitless possibility together. To disrupt nature and Her deleterious claims that that desire sits highborne and companionship, unwashed. Let there be great rage at laws restricting passion! Fuck compromise and the lies that everything is great, fine, and how are you? No one cares. They’re craven […]

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The limitless game, bred from legions of craned necks, would have this mean something. Have the stark interplay of tangled shadows suggest destiny, breathing, the reach for something untouchable yet forever enticing. Looking for meaning from the sky haunts the sullen and inspires the joyous; yet it’s the flaked shavings of science, excess on the […]

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Each one of these days pounds ego and heart into puddles spilled roadside and forgotten once the air dries. Sun beaten, any sign of pain erases. No splash made, these are the despised hours where an ocean’s weight drowns past promise. The gray was summoned! Greed and desire cracked each dam and then there’s surprise […]

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The dream of the sky vanished. A coin toss lost, it’s unwise to look back as the fog obscures the straight lines of our history into a confused monochrome tangle of deadwood. Dried and brittle, cracked and coated with the sins of Winter, it’s enough. The eyes have seen enough and search ahead because there’s […]

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Draw the wind in as breath, filling the lungs of this broken land, feeding the underground with a chill that threatens to seize all life. It’ll just freeze – death is too merciful – and eyes become frozen puddles staring into the turbulent gray, trapped in a purgatory longing for warmth. Bring back budding youth, […]

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Be my moon. Be my guide in the grain of dark. I can move with you, baby. We can milk the evening of song and breathe in unison under your glow. There’s home ahead, in the confused tangle of circumstance and failure. Light the way, baby. Find a way to bring me there, naked, palms […]

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