Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / beautiful

He’s you. In so many you are two of a kind. The eyes. Always the eyes which caught me so by surprise the first day I saw him, a small face looking back at me with blue I’ve looked into for countless days, across myriad feelings and settings, blue that never ceases to arrest and […]

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This empty heaven, it dangles beauty and bisects the cancer of a day’s death. A glass of still knifing through wood and diluting radiant gifts, it remains striking while still a copy; alluring while within reach. Sullied by approachability, value sinks as if counterfeit, but remains held aloft by settled hearts, a bounty for the […]

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Carefree shores and vacationing hearts, the toil of yesterday tossed away for the freedom of shorter hours that spin away as unspooled thread might, skittering along the floor like stones over still waters. Breathe in air stinging with salt and pick up these lilting melodies of tides come and gone, the hymnals of lunar mourning.

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