Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Fiction, poetry, music and mindscape pictures by creative artist Jason Santo

At Your Smallest

Tiny things, That first breath taken with morning eyes Open Or the way both arms reach to the headboard In a satisfying stretch, But specifically the smile The way it crests with sunny realization That there’s love in this bed, This house, This air. Spring can have its opulent blooms And Summer can pull hair, […]

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Anger Keep Out

Gasik stepped down the drop-off toward the water and breathed shallow, the sulfur of the pond stinging even against his effort. The place was a swollen lesion on the ass of the town; a chained-up, fenced-in, sign-posted swath of embarrassment that was the subject of children’s dares and adult’s dark grumbling. Gasik’s own child has […]

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Fire-spun furies beckon in hollow tones, a candied cadence sweet as child wonder and hungrier than hindsight, oh how the gray yearns for white or black. Meaning clings like flies to spun gossamer, strands choked with morning dew and shaken under tremulous limbs anxious for feeding; is there a finer delicacy than truth? A world […]

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Cherry Sin

Cherry-dipped sunsets soften with their grenadine punch, calliope keys pressed, whistle-blowing off steam. Truth wins every time, a revolution glowing brilliant as each note played, steam crowding unprepared skies with demand. Be seen, heard. Satisfied melodies ripping through golden hour haze, dripping longing in the boughs of bent tree stems caught in eerie silhouette; how […]

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What Creezus Knew

She’d listened to Gary long enough, but couldn’t let go. Even before coming here, Marla knew they were nearly done, her nights in bed by his snoring side becoming an interminable endurance test. They made love infrequently, life painting them into separate corners with its financial redecoration of who they’d been when they met four […]

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Knowing When to Say When

The irony was not lost on Tim. While he sat in the bustling middle of Royal Street with his fingers wrapped around the tip of Clive’s clarinet, Clive crouched forward and explained the issue with his cock. It was too large, he told Tim just loud enough that the other band members setting up for […]

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True Grace

Photo by @moniblanco McKenna remembered the day well, although she hadn’t thought of it in many years. The way the wet sand held together beneath her feet, seawater seeping up from the edges of each step as she sloppily pirouetted to the melody of her freedom; it still resonated within her. Sometimes she’d lie still […]

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Kicking and Screaming

Let’s break what’s cordial, Snap its little weak neck And let these wild thoughts Scream like banshee song In our rancid, beautiful pulse That stammers at this view Like words on the awkward tongue Of a boy nowhere near manhood. Fuck. Don’t it feel polite To glance away, down, elsewhere? Cowardice is propriety In any […]

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Folly is the rakish thought, The waved saber at entropy, That growth would permit A gentle or linear path. No. These shades of today In their antediluvian assertion Stretch pallid beliefs Like worn out skin Across bones aching from experience And each limping step Into tomorrow Quivers with unattended reason, A dogged journey through dust-stained […]

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Chin high, shoulders up Wishes clarion in eyes Carrying allure Like beaded water that traces Those fertile curves And exacts the dendrite push, The endocrine longing Of instinct’s furious boil. The sting of new day Is the lament of yesterday, Opportunities not taken As her gaze lowers And lioness confidence Envelopes four-walled solitude Of this […]

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