Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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In the middle of a thought. In the middle of a small town, at the edge of a park, in the middle of a day surrounded by bustling onlookers striving for the next best thing. Concentrated, devoid of water and dilution a stray principle embodying weakness or care for swan-like praise. They curtsy and sway, beckoning for acknowledgement for their attentiveness to this will to commit amongst the swirl of eager business. The thoughts sprawl in tightened, furious script; days numbered and events catalogued regardless of prying eyes hoping to steal glimpses at confessions of weakness; the strength of letters prying in the middle of ruled lines seeking truth. #irispad #inthemiddle #selfie #writing #writer #sun #sunlight #journal #thought #overexposed #toobright #whydoilookinpainwheniwrite #book #poem #poetry (at Middling)

To see what's what in the world of Santo

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