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I Am Santo

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He gathered things slowly, the weight of the prior day like anchors on his limbs. Clothing. Special stuffed animals. Toys. His own keepsake box. All were clumsily tossed into his backseat, crowding Kailey’s car seat decorated with violet hearts. He remembered Daneen accidentally buying the seat for Alec and worrying over gender colors. Simon dismissed it with a wave, joking it would be fine for their daughter when they got around to having her. That thought echoed in his mind every time he saw the car seat, so here it was a needle jumping a record groove. With each repeat, he saw Daneen’s grin, a single eyebrow sharply arched, and for the first time since she died he missed her without anger. watch full Logan Lucky 2017 movie online

He finished loading the car early, then paid bills online, closing out the apartment accounts. After a few hours, everything seemed well enough in order, the security deposit understandably to be lost for the damage to the hallway. He dug out the bullets from the excuse for baseboard molding, but it obviously required replacement. Incredibly he didn’t need that money anymore, and he smiled as he walked out, nearly missing the mail truck exiting the parking lot as he took his last trip to the Grand Am. Mail. Right.

The letter was there, as expected. He grabbed it and went back inside, mimicking the vision he had of Jaimie sitting at the kitchen table reading Simon’s plea to care for his children. To please be the better man that Jaimie always seemed to be.

Simon tore up the letter and scattered the pieces on the table as if they were the ashes of a vanquished enemy. In another reality, his children would have become the son and daughter of a man that was a murderer himself. And suddenly, he thought of the next cycle, how he had to help the husband of the woman he’d murdered from making the same mistake.

His breath recoiled like a pistol shot. The reason for the blind cycle he’d fallen into became shockingly less malevolent, no longer about money but rather about protecting the the children. The voice. The chill. It was recognition. Tears welled as he realized the circle had finally closed its final loop: the puppet master was once the marrionette. (To be continued…)

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