Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Crouched on the precipice. Studying the edge. Calculating risk. With bets you won’t hedge. I know your heart, for it’s just like mine. We see everything the same, though you’re the youngest, you will be the best, the apex of our line. He knows it too, your grandfather, your mentor, your friend. He’ll watch your progress carefully and his love shall know no end. Bound by history, the care given a boy you’d recognize. Every time you look at daddy, you find you in his eyes. Just like yours his appetite, craved all energy and light. He swallowed time, effort, love and faith, with boundless appetite. Yet there was always more to feed him, despite such short supply. The heart’s endless bounty now surrounds each goodbye. He adores you son, just as I do too, his love never obligation. We care because we were destined to, every trial confirms dedication. Poised on the edge of youth and your mission, the picture sharpens clear. You are our boy, our pride and joy, the future we hold most dear. #irispad #day22 #sept22 #ontheedge #toddler #grandfather #ledge #cute #sweet #love #family #poem #poetry #writer #writing #limerick (at A Rhyme for a Young Herat)

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