Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Had they made thousands of these? Yes. Thousands of unique, captured dreams mailed to the homes of the rich, the lonely, the sick. And he’d never touched her although he so often dreamt of what that warm, smooth skin would feel like beneath his hands, of what her breathing would feel like under the crush […]

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She’d been modeling for him over the past sixteen years, and while technology moved on, their dances didn’t change. Clifford hated the flat boredom of video. It lacked the latent image, the romance of a movie camera. And he had no patience for editing. He captured only what was raw and real, a single reel. […]

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The camera churned, a kind of rough chewing made by it’s teeth as they pulled 16mm film by its sprockets, delicately capturing her on celluloid for the last time. She looked this way and that, trained to ignore Clifford and his lens, instead appearing as if the moment were candid; as if this motion picture […]

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Dissected by the uncaring eyes of infinite scrutiny, it’s light addiction, a careening screech off binary canyons that hunts for the turned ear, swift validation and the head nod of connection. “Let’s be friends!” each snap screams in a desperate howl, like the cry of a wounded animal at mating season. Let’s mend the hurts […]

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If it’s said aloud enough, then maybe it’ll be true. Love you. Love you more. Love you most. The repeated assertion that you’re the sun around which orbit is necessity for being. The light of you breeds possibility, even in this world of reigning confusion, where clouds billow tall in once perfect skies and shed […]

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We shared the close breath, both in the quiet solace of release and the noisy satisfaction of killing hunger. Drinking the courage. Letting our atoms spill in every direction and flailing with wild hearts; there was little to be said in the darkness afterward. Tears glimmer and streak, surmounting Sisyphean hills of cheeks rounded by […]

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Beaten or Saint. Fallen victim to the night sweats of staining desire and the eggshell thin facade that spider cracks with each breathless pant, each writhing moan. May those backs break like will. Crack, crack, crack. May those wills break back. Crack, crack, crack. In there is a truth, among the candlelit tremble, swift moving […]

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Why bother drawing another breath? It’s only going to disappoint. These smooth pronouncements, oh how they make the legs quiver. Oh how they make the lust wet. And yet, stop. Keep the momentum in a downshift and bless the birthed dissatisfaction of hungry days. Because what’s right is right. Because the truth is a spit […]

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I want to open you up. I want to be your sun. I want to bring the wet, so just yeild to my tongue. I want to glide into welcome. I want surrender on approach. I want your mouth on mine, my hand gripping your throat. Let’s teach nature new tricks, let’s find new ways […]

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That dust in the windowpane at the failing light of dusk, it sings that melancholy lilt in whispers. It longs for days colored with better hours, fairer attentions paid and chances for the right moves out of each painted-into corner. Take out the pen. Spill blood ink with confidence. See things shift in the mirror, […]

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