Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / morning

Beat this riot of turbulent discord, shorting wires in the puddles of a Main Street where the huddled parade. Claxon earnestness screams for justice, yet hands fail balance and the rigors of responsibility cause soul tremble; edgy mornings that arrive as brilliant floods. Drowning, hands clutch a fist full of hardship, throat choking on the […]

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Small things, lost in the deep blur of land and sea’s mourning. The haze of undying, burning off the gray of uncertain paths, revealing color and contrast where before there was only wandering without a hand to hold. Cold tears and solemn reflection clinging to icy shores as small hopes soar almost unseen in the […]

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Up on the beam, balanced and perfect in the morning sun’s embrace. It’s my pride, my best, toughest decision and the hard work still ahead remains daunting, yet so much has already been accomplished. One small foot after the other, each tiny trial the path to growing up. #morning #son #sun #sunlight #toddler #balance #balancebeam […]

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