Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / fog

The dream of the sky vanished. A coin toss lost, it’s unwise to look back as the fog obscures the straight lines of our history into a confused monochrome tangle of deadwood. Dried and brittle, cracked and coated with the sins of Winter, it’s enough. The eyes have seen enough and search ahead because there’s […]

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The cloud swallowed the sun, the earth growing gray with cold mist. Angels sang in finished verse with divine melody woven as stitches to mend bleeding minds. And we cried at the lack of definition, surrounded by the siren song of sexless children, their wings thrumming a discordant rhythm that bruised the sky, and kept […]

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Small things, lost in the deep blur of land and sea’s mourning. The haze of undying, burning off the gray of uncertain paths, revealing color and contrast where before there was only wandering without a hand to hold. Cold tears and solemn reflection clinging to icy shores as small hopes soar almost unseen in the […]

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