Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / flowers

RENEWAL Growth Such vertiginous folly, Were these paths  Vines How thick and knotted They’d knuckle With the failure of shuttered hopes And wasted first kisses, Thorns marking  Every heartbreak, Drawing beaded crimson From pricked fingertips  Seeking to heal and affirm Such restless waking  That fled beds at dawn, Sherbet sun dripping  Across seed and sweat-soiled […]

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#gallery-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ NEW LIFE These relic thoughts, swung loose in arid ground where a beating heart once strove, they’re unearthed […]

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Strangling the sun, the air in suffocated gasps drawn through struggling lips; what an eclipse tongue plays over heart. In orbit, strangely in control of each hope, each sentiment, the two rarely align and mystery swirls in the spaces between, cracks and crags eager like wet sex for domination by the thick length of desire. […]

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Rina sat on the edge of the high rocks and dangled her gangly legs over the crash of the sea below. It growled at her as if it were a circus lion set free on a cruel ringmaster, and so she faced the gray above and welcomed the cool mist covering everything as if the […]

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I want to open you up. I want to be your sun. I want to bring the wet, so just yeild to my tongue. I want to glide into welcome. I want surrender on approach. I want your mouth on mine, my hand gripping your throat. Let’s teach nature new tricks, let’s find new ways […]

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Come on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by simple hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]

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Come on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by shingle hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]

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