Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Those pens gripped had spilled more blood than ink, and now carnage roiled by each word spat in epitaph carelessness gathered in conscious pools, the bilious exhuming their regrets in a fountain of their own rot. If care were a weapon, then a nuclear strike had decimated the good and cold blue stared with disdain […]

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Aren’t you done begging yet? Isn’t the lack of resolution during this desert trek of arid searching enough for your eyes to close? Stop looking. Nothing fits other than the glass slipper you shattered when stepping too hard, asking too much, demanding a king’s ransom on a pauper’s pay. The vibrant hues of acceptable days […]

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Beaten or Saint. Fallen victim to the night sweats of staining desire and the eggshell thin facade that spider cracks with each breathless pant, each writhing moan. May those backs break like will. Crack, crack, crack. May those wills break back. Crack, crack, crack. In there is a truth, among the candlelit tremble, swift moving […]

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This loss of breath, It’s wrong by design. A same shallow escape; A withdrawal into night As if the stars had hands That clutched at need, desire, worth. In that moment, she looked tired but fulfilled, Yet truth hung obvious to her As a coat on a rack Snow-flight drying By a closed front door […]

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