Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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I am the fire king, nourished on tendrils of burning loss. Smoke animating my shuddering presence, I dance to the rhythm of misfortune and scare hope away, tearing into dreams with a carrion-stained beak reeking of swallowed torment. Yet I starve here in the long grass of distant retreat, the days unkind to my crown; […]

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I’m a criminal soul, squalid color under tender veneer; birthed wrong, dropped from a barbed womb and hung low despite the buoyant gaze, hopes, kindness shown. Mirrors display ruddiness, mistakes, pock-marked stumbling and hate, always with claws tearing muscle from bone, splitting skin with fingernails coated sticky with practiced rhythms, the oil of this average […]

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Well don’t they dip and dive, these benevolent souls craving rich desire? Sinking, undulating, blending sex and soul as if smoke in airless rooms, tendrils of need wrapping into each other as ribbons on gorgeous gifts. They thrust and kiss, succumbing and urging, each an overlapping double exposure on a single canvas, flooding channels with […]

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